
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have been terrible at blogging. I will make this post short and sweet.
We moved to California, and we really enjoy it. We live in a small farm town and I personally love it. I am currently staying home with Oakley while Jas works. I am hoping to start doing hair as soon as we get back from the holidays in Utah.
Jason starts his last round of school Dec 9, and will finish in April. Oak and I are so proud of him!
Oak is full of personality and into everything. She is such an amazing blessing. We love her so much.
We are expecting baby #2 in June, and are excited for the journey.
I feel truly blessed and am greatful for the challenges we have faced the past year. We hope everyone has a great holiday season.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Long Time No Update

Wow! It has been a long time since I have updated our blog. I am going to do a brief update.
July: Oakley turned TWO! She is at such a fun age right now and I seriously can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.
Oak and I also moved to Pensacola, Florida to be closer to Jason.
August: Oak and I would go to the beach almost everyday. Jas got to live with us on the weekends out there so that was a nice treat!
September: Jason graduted from A school and we found out we will be spending the next 4 years in Lemoore, California.
We drove to Utah from Florida on the 23rd of September, and we are enjoying our time here with family and friends.
October: We are moving on the 10th to California and are so excited! We hope to have many great things happen in the 4 years that we are there.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Weekend

We had a pretty good weekend. Oak was not feeling so hot, so we cuddled, watched movies, went to dinner, went to Vaeh's first birthday, and just hung out. My family had a birthday party for me last night because I will be in Florida this weekend for the real thing, and it was bitter sweet with Jas being gone. I am sure there will be many events in the future that he will be missing, so I need to get used to it.
On a lighter note the hubby starts his schooling tomorrow! FINALLY YAY!!!!! So I am not sure what the future holds, but as of now Oak and I will be moving to Florida in September with him. I honestly can't wait! I am flying out there on Thursday night to spend the weekend with him. I am sad about leaving Oak, but at the same time so excited for some alone time with Jas. Here are two pictures of my silly girl over the weekend.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011




Jason's View

My View


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miss Diva

Changing her baby

Goof Ball

Eating cereal and watching Barney

Got Cheese?

First attempt at piggy tails

Miss Independent

Fun in the Park w/Maya


(Jason's little twin)

This kiddo has style :)

Popcorn & Relaxin

Hiding from Mommy

Oak sure is full of personality these days! Miss Diva is what I like to call her :) She is so much fun to be around, and I feel so lucky to get to spend so much time with her!

Friday, May 20, 2011



Monday, May 16, 2011

*Weekend Fun*

We had such a fun weekend! We made a mess of the house, danced a lot(mostly the potty dance), went to lagoon, played in the dirt, searched for rocks, played ring around the rosie, and took goofy pictures. It was the perfect weekend. The ONLY thing that would have made it better is having Jas here to share it with us!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Friends...

The past 10 weeks with Jas being gone, I have kind of distanced myself from some close friends. I have not really realized I have done this until now. I have missed birthday party's for your kiddos(sorry Ash and Michon) I have missed births and meeting your new additions (sorry Ciege and Amy) I have missed girl lunches (sorry Hols and Ciege and whoever else went to Del Taco) What I am getting at is I am sorry to all of you for not being apart of these fun things in your lives. I do love all of you A LOT, and I will make an effort to be a better friend to all of you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy late Mothers Day to all of you. I feel so blessed to be a MOM. I can't even express what joy our little Boogie brings to my life. Being a MOM is amazing!!! I love being your MOMMY kiddo!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Here are a few photos from graduation that I took with my phone. I have plenty more to post :) I was trying to "hype" Oak up with sugar at graduation because she was so tired, The one of me is me smiling because I was so happy to see Jas, and there are other random pics I took as well. My hubby looked sexier then ever and Oak and I could not be more proud of him!!!!!
I am pretty bummed because Jas was supposed to come home from schooling June 27, and now it won't be until September sometime :( I am trying to stay positive and focus on the good in all of this. We just miss him so much!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Im Leavin....

On a jet plane to go and see JASON tonight!!! I am SO EXCITED I can hardly stand it.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Not that I am excited or anything... BUT Oak and I get to see Jason on FRIDAY! I am so happy!
He called me on Friday to let me know he officially passed boot camp. (what a relief... I am just kidding) Oak and I are really proud of him, and can't wait to see our sailor!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Happy Bitrthday Jas! We love you and can't wait to see you!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

*The Phone Call*


So Jas got his official job!!! He will be going to AT-O school which is ONLY seven weeks!!! That means we have decided it is best for me to stay here, and then we will move together only once. He will graduate school the last week of JUNE, and then we will be here in UTAH for TWO weeks before moving to our final duty station! I am honestly SO excited for our future.

We fly out in 9 DAYS to CHICAGO...and we get to see Jas in 11!!! Its about time we get to see that sexy man!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

14 DAYS UNTIL.....


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weekend fun!

Oak and I took a random trip with some of my fam to St. George over the weekend. It was so much fun! We went to the Splash Park, Pool, Ate a ton of yummy food, shopped, and just hung out. It was perfect!

The little sailor dress is what Oakie is going to wear when she goes to Jason's graduation!!! She looks so freaking cute in it :) We fly out in a couple weeks to go to GRADUATION and I honestly can't wait!!!